Sunday, July 24, 2011


You might all remember playing a clue game in your childhood. It could be guessing the personality or a place or a word, we always had a set of questions hinting towards a thing fired on the opponent and he had to guess the thing. Now, the researchers in CALTECH (California Institute of technology) are busy playing the same game. But this time its not with fellow researchers, nor robots; this time it’s a test tube having artificial neurons and DNA strands. Humans have this great ability of coming to a conclusion with the help of some fragments of memory . Researchers are trying to replicate it , and have taken first step to success.
                                To keep it simple for my readers, They had four artificial neurons made of 112 DNA strands. They play 'identify the scientist game'. They are first trained by giving information in parts eg.whether the scientist knows english etc. Then a human gives it clues pointing towards a scientist it has to find out. Through fluorescence, it tells which is the scientist, or its not in the list, or data is insufficient. The 
researchers played this game with the network 
using 27 different ways of answering 
the questions — out of 81 total combinations — and it responded correctly each time.  

                This is a major breakthrough and this can be helpful in medical, chemical and biological field…
 This was published in nature.

So, all my engineer friends, buck up. We need to act fast else these artificially intelligent will take over the dormant natural intelligence…….                                                         

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